
April (2021) - Paint!

Primer and Paint is going on the walls - and that makes us happy!  

March (2021) - Drywall!

 We thought drywall would never happen - but luckily they got it hung in about a week! Great room Mudroom Great room skylights Jacqueline's room Our bedroom (looking East) View from our bedroom without the barn Our bedroom (looking West_ Our bathroom (skylight) Ceiling in Russell's room Rec room skylights Rec room Guest suite Rec room Great room fireplace View from the back of the lot without the barn Kristen's office Kristen's office

February (2021) - We pass inspections (after a last minute fire place install) and insulate and the barn comes down

  Insulation finally starts! Because of new 2021 code we had to install the fireplace in order to get our framing inspection to pass The barn in the backyard is taken down, we now have a lot more space in the back yard!